In Association with

District Disaster Management Authority,
Collector office kolhapur

Event details such as Timeline, Rules-Regulations and team eligibility criteria, Problem statements, Abstract Template, Abstract submission, Registration fees are given below kindly go through this page carefully.
18 April 2023
7 May 2023
9 May 2023
Commencement of Round 1
Registration and Abstract submission round.
The problem statements will be released to the participants, and the participants will select the desired problem statement or can come with their own problem statement and solution.
Participants will begin work on their solution, as well as their abstract and presentation on their solution.
The participants will submit their abstract and presentation in online mode.
End of round 1
Registration and Abstract submission will be closed.
Judges will evaluate the abstract and presentation in online format and shortlist 40 final teams to be qualified for the next round.
Result Declaration of Round 1 and Commencement of Round 2
Shortlisted 40 (20 offline 20 online) teams will have to complete the payment of round 2 in order to compete in second round, which will be held in both modes online and offline at KIT's College of Engineering Kolhapur.
Each team member have to pay 100rs each.
Teams can start working on their respective prototypes.
12 May 2023
Commencement of Round 2
Shortlisted 40 (20 offline, 20 online) final teams Tune their solution for 48 hours and will present their solution, Judges will evaluate their Solution and presentation. winners will be declare.
Rules And Regulations
Eligibility Criteria: Open to all students, from school level to UG and PG level who wish to participate.
Teams & Participation: Minimum 2 to 5 participants in one team. One participant cannot be part of more than one team, and no change of team’s structure is permitted after the team is registered.
General Rules:
You must treat all team members, competitors, judges, coaches, volunteers, etc, with respect and courtesy.
Teams should be made up exclusively of students who are not organizers, volunteers, judges, sponsors, or in any other privileged position at the event.
All team members should be present at the event. Leaving the venue for some time to hack elsewhere is fine.
Teams can of course gain advice and support from organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and others.
Teams must come up with their own solutions, and no plagiarism of any kind will be allowed, strict action will be taken if found.
Problem Statements
Problem statements collected from - Dr Prasad Sankpal District Disaster Management Officer, District Disaster Management Authority, Collector office Kolhapur are given in the pdf above.
Problem statements may originating from the following domains
Sustainability and Environment
Social Services
Business and Management
Abstract Submission
Abstracts written in accordance with Abstract template will only be considered.
Upload abstract in .pdf format only and keep the size under 1 MB. ​
Name of the document should be "Team Name.pdf"
Abstract Submission phase has ended.